The Influence of Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy on Accounting Understanding (Case Study at Institute of Information Technology and Business)
Motivation, Self Efficacy, Understanding of AccountingAbstract
This study seeks to examine the impact of learning motivation and self-efficacy on students' comprehension of accounting at the Institute of Information Technology and Business. Motivation for learning and self-efficacy are two critical psychological elements that are thought to influence academic performance, particularly in accounting disciplines that are sometimes seen as intricate. This research employs a quantitative methodology via a survey technique. Data were gathered from 85 accounting students via a questionnaire structured on a Likert scale. We performed data analysis utilizing multiple linear regression to assess the influence of each independent variable on the dependent variable. The findings indicated that learning motivation and self-efficacy had a favorable and substantial influence on accounting comprehension. Our findings indicate that learning motivation exerted a more significant influence than self-efficacy; nonetheless, both factors concurrently enhanced students' comprehension of accounting concepts. These findings emphasize the necessity of formulating instructional techniques that enhance students' learning motivation and self-efficacy to augment their comprehension of accounting. This study offers pragmatic advice for educators and academic institutions to include these psychological aspects in the learning process
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